The Great Buddha Crown Surangama Sutra – Volume One
Full title: The Surangama Sutra of the Great Buddha Crown on the Tathagata’s Secret Cause for Cultivating and Validating the Ultimate Enlightening Reality and Myriad Practices of the Bodhisattvas
Full title: The Surangama Sutra of the Great Buddha Crown on the Tathagata’s Secret Cause for Cultivating and Validating the Ultimate Enlightening Reality and Myriad Practices of the Bodhisattvas
The Surangama Sutra is vast and boundless; it is seen by His Holiness in his samadhi as the countless stars—bright and radiant—illuminating the whole universe.
As the Buddha’s heart-son, one must uphold and transmit buddhadharma so it can continue to flourish in the saha world to deliver sentient beings.
The Buddha is endowed with inconceivable transcendent power. His voice, likened to the song of kalavinka birds of Sukhavati, induces the mindfulness of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.
Taoist teachings state that to follow the natural flow is to be human, while reversing it makes one an immortal. Taoist practices involve refining essence into energy, energy into spirit, and spirit into emptiness.
Ananda was drawn to monastic life by the Buddha’s sublime thirty-two hallmarks, unattainable by ordinary beings born from desire. They are unaware that they, too, embody inherent purity and innate luminosity. This inherent buddhanature is the true reality.
The Buddha asked Ananda about what he thought he saw through a philosophical dialog of logic. He did not refer to the physicality or biological function of these sense organs or faculties, but delved deeper beyond the surface into the realm of consciousness.
“Everything is created by the mind,” is a famous saying in Buddhism. Yogacara emphasizes that all things manifest from the Alaya (Storehouse) consciousness, thus Yogacara means Consciousness-Only.
Where is the mind, really? Is it inside the body? Or outside the body? The Buddha uses analogies to explain.